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#OccupyGaddis: Read is Good

June 27, 2012

Previously posted at Fiction Advocate.

“Goddam money. It always ends up making you blue as hell.” So says Holden Caulfield, and so say the last five years of American history.

The dominoes that started falling in 2007 led to lost homes and empty retirement funds for millions of Americans, and lost performance benefits for the people who set the dominoes up. Americans sputtered with outrage in every city and small town, throwing out the old bosses in 2008, then opening the doors to a louder and stunningly less competent group of new bosses in 2010. Economists, investors, world leaders, law makers and voters around the world have struggled to understand exactly what happened, and determine what needs to happen next, and pretty much everyone is still blue as hell about it all.

Hollywood has responded with a sequel to “Wall Street,” but what about our publishing houses?

Read the full post at Fiction Advocate.

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